When it comes to parenthood, especially motherhood, it is always essential to have all the necessary items to ensure that you have a prepared motherhood experience. There are a lot of products that help mothers all around during breastfeeding sessions, as well as changing their newborn’s diapers to cleaning them from time to time. Items like breast milk storage bags Malaysia, diapers, diaper bags, feeding bottles, and other similar products are mothers’ and parents’ lifesavers when it comes to raising their newborn babies.

 breast milk storage bags Malaysia

Nursing 101: Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a crucial part of a child’s health and survival. Despite the benefits of breastfeeding, approximately two-thirds of newborns are not nursed exclusively for the first six months. This figure has not changed in 20 years.

Infants should ideally be fed just breastmilk. It’s free of harmful ingredients and includes antibodies that can stave off a variety of pediatric ailments. For the first few months of life, breastmilk is the only source of nourishment, but it continues to provide a child’s nutritional demands through the second part of the first year and into the third year of life.

Infants who are breastfed have a lower risk of becoming fat or diabetic as adults, score higher on IQ tests, and have better academic outcomes. Breastfeeding mothers also benefit from a lower chance of developing breast and ovarian malignancies.

Why is breastfeeding important for mothers and babies?

Possible health benefits of breastfeeding include a lower incidence of illness

One of the best ways to nourish a baby is through exclusive breastfeeding. As a result, your baby may be less likely to suffer a variety of diseases and conditions. For instance:

  • Colds and infections
  • Middle ear infections
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Intestinal tissue damage
  • Allergic diseases

Baby’s growth is supported by breastfeeding

Infants and young children who are breastfed are less likely to become overweight as they grow. Overweight and obese infants were less likely to be breastfed for more than 4 months, according to one research.

Potentially at play here is a shift in the composition of one’s gut microbes. Babies who are breastfed have a greater number of good gut flora, which may influence their body’s ability to store fat. Infants who only consume breast milk also have higher levels of leptin in their blood than those who use formula. The hormone leptin plays a crucial role in controlling food intake and body fat.

Babies that are breastfed are able to control how much milk they consume. Healthy eating habits are more easily established since they are better able to stop eating when they are full.

 breast milk storage bags Malaysia

Contraction of the uterus is aided by breastfeeding

Your uterus will swell from the size of a pear to nearly the whole width of your abdomen when you carry a baby. After giving birth, your uterus undergoes a process called involution, which aids in its shrinking back to its original size. The hormone oxytocin, which rises during pregnancy, has a role in this.

During labor, your body produces large quantities of oxytocin to facilitate childbirth and decrease maternal blood loss. It’s a great way to get to know your newborn and strengthen your relationship with them. Breastfeeding has been shown to enhance oxytocin levels. The contractions of the uterus are stimulated and bleeding is stopped, allowing the uterus to shrink back to its original size.

Breastfeeding moms have been proven in studies to experience less blood loss and a quicker uterine involution after giving birth.

Weight loss may be facilitated by breastfeeding

The following expression may be familiar to you. When nursing, some women may gain weight while others may lose it seemingly without trying.

It’s true that breastfeeding causes you to burn more calories, and after three months of lactation, you may even see a little boost in fat burning compared to when you weren’t breastfeeding. Despite the fact that there isn’t much of a distinction.