Wi-Fi is basically the wireless LAN and is regarded as one of the most important aspects for networking and communication purposes. Wi-Fi allows people to be able to connect and use the internet without the wires. The whole network functions through an access point and is usually connected via router and USB ports. It is used to connect the internet to various devices like computers, smartphones and tablets. It works in translating the signal into data that people are able to see and use. One common misconception about Wi-Fi is that people always regard the Wi-Fi and the internet as the same thing but it isn’t. There is a slight difference between these two elements. Wi-Fi is essentially a wireless connection that allows devices to communicate through radio waves whereas the internet stands as a global network where devices communicate through internet protocol. There used to be a time where Wi-Fi was regarded as a lavish thing but now it is very hard to survive and continue our daily routine without the help of Wi-Fi connection. There are so many internet packages out there for you to chose from and Jom Apply Tm Unifi package is one of them. You may browse through and gain more inputs in regards to this package.

Why is Wi-Fi important ?

Wi-Fi is considered as the core of all connection and communication these days. Wi-Fi is so important that it affects the way we perceive the world around us. First and foremost Wi-Fi connection real time information access. They can literally get any source of news from any part of the world. This process improves the mobility of the users and most importantly allows information access without any barriers. Besides, it is also just very reliable as you don’t have to work in a space where there are just so many wires entangled everywhere because it is used to connect to a specific connection. The Wi-Fi routers now basically work mainly on wireless network infrastructure making it easy for people to mount it and later in use it.


Other interesting things to do with Wi-Fi connection 

1) Stream movies & videos to the tv 

You are able to build a home media server or simply get yourself a smart tv, if you have connected the tv with Wi-Fi then you are good to go. You are able to watch movies and videos directly from the internet through your tv, you don’t even need external HDMI cables after this. This process is so much similar to the Astro’s ultra box connection. You are able to watch movies and programs from the past, browse movies from Netflix and lets say if you have missed a movie or show, you can always watch it from the beginning with the help of Wi-Fi connection. Now how cool is that ? 

2) Steam music and audio to speaker 

An Apple AirPort express allows you to connect to any speakers that you want around the house. If you are not an apple user, you can also use your router to create a wireless music player. This will allow you to stream music from your phone straight to the device  that connects to the speaker of your house. You can customize it and create a new playlist according to your liking. You no longer need external devices like computers or desktop to do so. 


Applying on a WIFI or a Unifi package certainly does help you a lot. It is an investment that you are making for the betterment of so many aspects that surround you. You would definitely appreciate the existence of Wi-Fi, trust me with this !